Unani medicine is founded upon Hippocratic belief that an equilibrium among four humors - blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile - keeps us healthy. Pulse examination and temperament analysis help to diagnose health issues and select medicines accordingly.
Herbal teas and decoctions are frequently used to detoxify. Some herbs are even available as powder and capsule forms.
Ayurveda, an ancient practice dating back over 5,000 years, is founded on the idea that each individual embodies unique combinations of the five elements: air (vayu), jala (water), prithvi (earth) and tejas (fire). When these energies become unbalanced it may manifest as disease - Ayurvedic practitioners use herbs, food and practices to restore equilibrium.
Turmeric has been shown to reduce inflammation and support liver function. Furthermore, curcumin acts as an effective antioxidant and liver protector; Ayurvedic practitioners often recommend using herbs in combination with diet and lifestyle changes as treatment strategies for liver diseases Arq Kasni.
Ayurved practices include yoga, meditative breathing and following a daily schedule that aligns meals and sleeping times with the sun/moon cycles. Ayurved is an holistic approach which emphasizes peacefulness, equilibrium and tranquility while simultaneously encouraging connection to nature through walks/hikes/stargazing/sitting by natural bodies of water - proven effective treatments by studies published by Liver Disease Research journal.
Unani medicine takes an integrative approach to healing the whole body. It embraces the concept of "tabi 'at", or natural recuperative power, believing that your body has the power to heal itself without needing medical assistance.
Chinese Medicine is founded on four elements - air, water, fire and earth - as well as spirits who channel these powers throughout the body. Restoring balance between these energies is key for optimal health and is focused on through restoration medicine.
Unani pharmacopeia is extensive and comprises medicines derived from herbal, animal, and mineral sources. Hakims of Unani medicine believe it offers natural, eco-friendly, less intrusive treatment solutions than many other methods; additionally it's more economical than modern medicine.
Ashwagandha is an Ayurvedic plant used to reduce stress, boost energy levels and enhance concentration while relieving pain and insomnia. Ashwagandha may even help lower risks of Hepatitis C & B virus infections as well as fatty liver disease and cirrhosis; helping with depression & anxiety disorders as well.
Studies have demonstrated that Ashwagandha can reduce levels of inflammation markers such as CRP, IL-6 and TNF-a. Furthermore, Ashwagandha was proven to inhibit cancer cell growth and induce apoptosis in leukemia cells as well as colon, prostate, ovarian and lung cancer cells.
Pregnancy and breastfeeding women should avoid this herb due to the potential interference with how your liver metabolizes certain medications and may cause your blood pressure to drop too low, while also possibly interfering with thyroid hormones and decreasing birth control pill effectiveness. Before making any decisions based on Ashwagandha use alone, consult with a healthcare provider first as this herb could pose health risks during these conditions Herbal Products in Pakistan.
Lifestyle changes
Cleanses and detox drinks that claim to boost liver health, eliminate waste products, and boost energy are often misrepresented as being scientifically tested, when in fact many aren't. Ingredients found in some drinks could contribute to serious liver problems (coffee enemas or unpasteurized juice). Furthermore, some herbs used in these drinks could interact with medications that your liver processes effectively.
Instead of drinking detox drinks, opt for a nutritious diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats such as fruits and vegetables; limit processed food, alcohol and sugary drinks consumption for optimal liver function; consider herbal supplements like milk thistle, turmeric, bhumyamalaki kutki and amla as potential aids that can enhance liver function while improving overall health; these herbs can either be added directly into teas/decoctions/powders or taken in pill form (or be taken directly as powders/capsules).