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What Are the Benefits of Using Unani Healthy Heart Medicine?


Unani can assist in treating heart-related illness through herbs like Terminalia arjuna and Guggul, each known for their cardiovascular protection properties. These herbs help improve cardio-vascular health by strengthening heart muscles, decreasing cholesterol levels, and improving circulation.

Unani medications have been demonstrated to decrease hospitalizations related to congestive heart disease as well as oxygen therapy utilization, improve immune health and decrease stress for those affected.

1. Lowers Blood Pressure

Blood pressure has long been known as "the silent killer", since its signs don't manifest themselves until after damage has already taken place. Medication such as painkillers, antidepressants and decongestants as well as caffeine consumption or supplements containing licorice could significantly raise your blood pressure levels.

Unani medicine is an integrative healing approach which encompasses four temperaments and humors (blood fire water earth) within its scope of treatment for illness or disease. Furthermore, Unani also takes spiritual and emotional factors related to illnesses into consideration as part of its approach Khameera Marwareed.

Unani research seeks to validate and understand the cardioprotective properties of various natural ingredients used by hakims for centuries - such as Saad Kufi (Cyperus scariosus R. Br). To accomplish this objective, this plant was specifically chosen due to being referenced by Ibn Sina (Avicenna) in his Kitab al-Adviya al-Qalbia as part of Unani medicine for diseases associated with cardiovascular health issues.

2. Lower Cholesterol Levels

Cardiovascular disease remains one of the primary causes of global mortality; yet with some simple lifestyle modifications we can prevent and treat cardiovascular conditions much more effectively than ever before! Ayurvedic heart medicine offers many potential advantages that include cholesterol reduction as well as inflammation relief! Plus many more positive impacts!

Cholesterol deposits within blood vessels may block oxygen flow to both the brain and heart, potentially leading to strokes and heart attacks. A high cholesterol intake could even have life-threatening ramifications such as strokes.

Unani herbal treatments for high cholesterol have been scientifically and experimentally demonstrated to safely and efficiently lower LDL (bad) cholesterol levels without creating negative side effects that are common with conventional approaches and more invasive approaches used for this problem. Furthermore, unani herbal remedies tend to be more efficient at effectively lowering bad LDL (bad) cholesterol than their conventional counterparts while carrying less risk than more invasive solutions available today.

3. Strengthens the Heart

Cardiovascular disease remains one of the leading causes of mortality worldwide; yet Unani healing methods offer multiple options to combat cardiovascular disorders while simultaneously improving general well-being. Concepts by Claudius Galenus and Ibn Sina (Avicenna) were popularly utilized within Unani healing practices to address cardiovascular illness by using therapies like abhyanga or shirodhara that help support better cardiovascular health.

Unani recommends following a healthy diet to support one's prakriti, or "biological constitution", including herbal treatments such as arjuna (Terminalia arjuna) and Guggul (Commiphora mukul), both well known for their cardiovascular-enhancing benefits.

Unani Hakims may recommend dietotherapy, also referred to as "ilaj-bi ghiza." In this treatment method, each illness requires its own diet; for instance if someone has fever their Unani hakim may suggest increasing protein and decreasing roughage intake to address their discomfort.

4. Improves Circulation

Unani Hakims commonly prescribe Terminalia arjuna herbs to strengthen heart muscle strength, reduce inflammation and enhance overall blood circulation throughout the body. Proper blood flow ensures rapid delivery of essential nutrients and oxygen directly to tissues while organ functions improve rapidly while waste removal happens quickly and effortlessly Pakistan Herbal Medicine.

Hakims provide advice for healthy living through eating a nutritious and well-balanced diet free from cholesterol and fat intake and exercising regularly to strengthen one's heart health. Their holistic approach considers all aspects of one's wellbeing including environmental factors such as environment pollution; lifestyle habits including diet; food routines as well as mental influences which could contribute to cardiovascular illnesses.

5. Reduce Stress

Unani Healthy Heart Medicine advocates an active, mindful lifestyle which includes including plenty of fruits and vegetables as well as whole grain products with lower sodium consumption; also cutting back on red meat consumption as well as overeating of unhealthy fat-laden food items; finally, mindfulness techniques as well as exercise may be effective ways of relieving anxiety.

Herbal Support: Unani practitioners frequently recommend herbal tonics that include Hawthorn and Arjuna herbs to regulate heart rhythm, strengthen cardiovascular systems and decrease cholesterol levels while simultaneously clearing away arterial blockages and clearing away plaque build-up in arteries.

Mental Health: Unani Medicine recognizes the significance of emotional wellbeing for overall health. Stressful events like COVID-19 often produce feelings of grief that lead to anxiety and depression; Unani provides spiritual and psychological treatments to reduce symptoms associated with these episodes.

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