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Cold and Flu Medication and Treatments


Over-the-counter cold medicine may offer effective symptomatic relief. Guaifenesin (Mucinex and Tussin), in conjunction with dextromethorphan (Robitussin), serve as antitussives that ease cough episodes.

Acetaminophen (Tylenol), ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), or diphenhydramine (Benadryl) are medications which may provide temporary relief of heat and pain discomfort, or be an antihistamine equivalent. Benadryl could possibly relieve allergy-related sneezing as well.

Theraflu Nighttime Severe Cold and Cough

Relax while relieving even your most severe cold and flu symptoms using this day/night formula made with honey, lemon, chamomile and white tea for maximum runny nose relief as well as soothing sore throat neck ache sinus congestion fever symptoms.

Take only what is stated on the label; exceeding recommended dosage can cause irreparable liver damage Nazla Zukam Ka Ilaj. Alcohol should never be combined with this medicine and liver diseases may require consulting a healthcare provider as this medication could interact with MAO inhibitors such as linezolid, isocarboxazid rasagiline or tranylcypromine and cause serious side effects when combined together.

Children younger than 12 should avoid taking this medicine as it could make them extremely sleepy and cause severe somnolence and oversleepiness. For optimal results it would be prudent to speak to their pediatrician prior to administering any medicine to children.

Tylenol Cold + Flu Severe

Tylenol Cold + Flu Severe can offer relief to symptoms associated with colds and flus, such as headache, sore throat, chest congestion, body aches as well as coughs, sinus pressures and fevers. Each caplet provides 325 milligrams of Acetaminophen which acts both as pain reliever and fever reducer and provides dextromethorphan HBR expectorants such as Guaifenesin or Phenylephrine for cough suppressant properties or expectorant properties respectively.

These ingredients help loosen and thin the mucus within your lungs, making coughing out easier while simultaneously shrinking blood vessels in your throat and nose to ease sinus congestion. Unfortunately, however, this medication will not effectively address chronic coughing up of mucus caused by asthma, smoking or chronic breathing conditions like emphysema.

Acetaminophen should always be taken according to its label or as prescribed by your healthcare provider; exceeding this amount could result in irreparable liver damage and should never be exceeded. Always consult with a provider prior to taking other liver or kidney medicines, diabetes drugs, high blood pressure medicines (for stomach ulcers/ulcers etc), thyroid disorder medications or heart disease treatments or having difficulty urinating; especially in cases of past reactions related to aspirin use or any medications being used (this includes any history-based reactions related to such drugs being taken or any medications being used).

DayQuil Cold and Flu

DayQuil Cold & Flu is an over-the-counter prescription medication specifically formulated to provide multisymptom relief quickly and safely - such as headache relief and body ache relief, fever reduction for sore throat symptoms and chest congestion relief - without leaving you drowsy - all this without impacting on daily activities! With its non-drowsy formula you're free to carry on living life as normal!

DayQuil(r) contains three active ingredients to ease fever and pain: Acetaminophen, dextromethorphan and Phenylephrine. Acetaminophen can reduce fever and pain while dextromethorphan may block signals which induce coughing; Phenylephrine helps shrink blood vessels in nasal passages to ensure quicker drainage of mucous from them Herbal Medicine Pakistan.

Consumers considering taking Acetaminophen should assess whether they suffer from liver disease or are at risk, since too much acetaminophen could damage it. Pregnant or nursing women taking Acetaminophen should inform their healthcare provider as it could pass into breastmilk and potentially harm nursing infants; be wary that McNeil Consumer Healthcare sells products containing Phenylalanine that could trigger Phenylketonuria (PKU).

OTC Medications

OTC (over-the-counter) medicines provide relief of symptoms. Most OTC meds combine pain relievers, cough suppressants, expectorants and decongestants into one pill that's typically sold liquid form. Decongestants/antithisamines should only be taken sparingly or avoided entirely in cases such as high blood pressure/heart disease/other medical concerns as they increase your chances of adverse interactions and side effects.

Acetaminophen found in Tylenol or similar products may provide effective relief of cold symptoms for children over 12 and adults when taken as directed, when taken according to directions. Antihistamines such as diphenhydramine or doxylamine (Benadryl) could provide short-term relief by relieving nasal itching eyes, watery eyes or sneezing, while decongestants like Phenylephrine or pseudoephedrine help lessen nasal swelling to provide easier breathing which in turn results in overall more comfortable conditions overall. Multi symptom cold remedies should only be given regularly by those with heart conditions, since too much medication could increase cardiovascular health risks.

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