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What Are the Key Benefits of Unani Heart Treatment in Pakistan?


Unani therapy, which was based upon Hippocratic theories and later developed through Galen as well as Ibn-e-Sina (Avicenna) includes leech therapy, where blood is drawn out of different parts of the body in order to extract it.

Based on this method it is believed that the mix of the four Humours (blood Phlegm, phlegm and the black bile and yellow bile) is what determines the health of a person or a disease in addition to recognizing that it is important to maintain the right balance in your diet.


Unani is a practice that dates back to the ancient times designed to help balance the all organs of the body and take emotional wellbeing into account. Unani offers healthy eating and yoga exercises to lower stress levels and, consequently, reduce blood pressure.

It also promotes preventive measures to improve health, such as providing herbs to strengthen the immune systems as well as encourage weight loss, aswell in avoiding foods that cause allergies. Additionally, Unani therapy also includes cupping and massage as treatments which have proven effective in treating high blood pressure. These are treatments that are loved by Rasulullah (s.a.w).

Unani medicine takes an holistic approach to healing by understanding that human bodies contain four humours (or fluids), including dam (blood or red-colored fluids), balgham (phlegm/white-colored fluids), safra (yellow bile) and sawda (black, brown or blue-colored fluids). When all four are in balance, it promotes health and wellness; every disruption can lead to disease. Unani health care emphasizes the maintenance of an environment that is free of pollution to ensure optimal health Khamira Marwareed Khas.


Unani medicine is a wealth of natural treatments that improve the health of your heart. The herbs help in eliminating the toxins, increasing breathing and circulation and also help reduce blood pressure.

Unani medical theory suggests that the human body consists of four fluids, or "humours", including dam (blood or the red-colored fluid) as well as balgham (phlegm or white-colored fluid) and the safra' (yellow bile/yellow-colored fluids) and finally, the sawda' (black, brown or blue-colored fluids). The balance between the four humours is vital for healthy functioning. Any disturbance in the quantity or quality can cause a number of health issues inside our bodies.

The therapists at Unani are of the opinion that exercising, diet and meditation are all able to ease tension. They suggest eating low-sodium food exercising in yoga and meditation as effective methods to ease tension. By incorporating these practices, you can reduce the levels of cholesterol and triglycerides for cardiovascular health. Some Unani remedies even advocate herbs that improve circulation, such as Saad Kufi roots (Cyperus scariosus R.Br).

Relieves Anxiety

Unani therapies have been considered to aid in relieving anxiety through harmonizing both mind and body. Treatments with unani may lower blood pressure, which makes breathing more comfortable. We also find that Terminalia arjuna also called as Arjuna and Commiphora mukul also called as Guggul has cardio protective effect.

The herbs are good for the heart because they work to lower cholesterol, lower inflammation and hence the reduction of formation of cholesterol on the inner walls of the arteries. They also boost the immune system at the same time that some other substances are expelled from the body.

Unani is a holistic method of healthcare which emphasizes healthy food herbs, supplements with herbal ingredients and yoga practices to improve overall health.

Unani or Hikmat it has been in existence since more than six thousand years. It was founded upon Hippocrates the teachings of Hippocrates and also on traditional medicines and practices from the ancient Greece, Egypt and Mesopotamia which was then developed by Claudius Galenus as well as Ibn Sina (Avicenna). In the present, Unani is extensively practiced across South Africa, England Pakistan India as well as other locations all over the world.

Weight Loss

Heart disease is caused due to a myriad of causes, the most prominent is obesity, which causes excessive weight gain and changes in body composition. In ALSA Pakistan we offer effective treatment for weight loss, including surgery for bariatric and laparoscopic for patients to over this issue that leads to the hypertension of insulin, insulin resistance and dyslipidemia. It also increase the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

Unani medicine Herbal Shop in Pakistan is a holistic approach to every aspect of health through the balancing of four humors (blood and phlegm as well as black bile, and yellow Bile). It is focused on finding balance between physical, psychological spiritual, and environmental factors in order to ensure optimal health for those who practice it.

A controlled clinical trial randomized to COVID-19 patients has shown that combining Unani medication with traditional medicines can reduce hospital stay time and speed recovery in addition to reducing anxiety and enhance general wellbeing. The results were reported in the PLoS One journal.

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