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What are the Leading Medications on the Market to Increase Sperm Count?


These supplements have shown immense effectiveness and safety.

Letrozole and bromocriptine can also help improve sperm quality when taken as directed for hyperprolactinemia.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C has been demonstrated to significantly enhance both sperm count and motility, as evidenced by one study where taking 1,000 mg a day over two months significantly boosted their numbers.

Folate is an essential B vitamin required by our bodies to mature and produce sperm in sufficient numbers, thus increasing fertility rates. A deficiency could result in lower sperm count.

Captopril and other ACE inhibitors could compromise fertility by suppressing testosterone production and decreasing motility of sperm sperm, potentially interfering with conception Majun Salab.

Vitamin D

Carnitine is an anti-oxidant that protects cells against damage. According to one small study, Carnitine significantly increased sperm counts, motility and normal morphology - all indicators that sperm health was improving.

Ashwagandha, an Ayurvedic supplement from India, has demonstrated impressive efficacy for increasing testosterone, improving sperm motility, balancing hormone levels and alleviating tension among users. Ashwagandha works by maintaining equilibrium within the body while simultaneously managing hormones levels while offering relief to its user's.

CoQ10, an essential antioxidant to bodily metabolism, has been found to significantly decrease oxidative stress which causes DNA damage in sperm. Furthermore, CoQ10 could potentially provide effective treatments for infertility conditions like Oligoasthenoteratozoospermia that cause low sperm count, poor motility patterns or abnormalities within their sperm; its symptoms could even be treated efficiently using CoQ10.


Although astaxanthin can be obtained from red snapper (red snapper), algae or fish sources, algae might provide more convenient access due to less intensive fishing efforts necessary.

Long-term use has been associated with adverse menstrual parameters; however, short-term consumption might have no adverse side effects.


One study demonstrated how men experienced improvements in terms of sperm count, motility and morphology as well as testosterone levels.

Vitamin C has demonstrated its effectiveness at increasing both motility and concentration of sperm while simultaneously mitigating any possible sources of male factor infertility issues.

Maca root, long used as an aphrodisiac herb, may now also provide promise as an aid for improving concentration, motility and quality of sperm production while mitigating DNA damage.


No matter your opinion of the FDA's role, one thing remains certain - even those with strong feelings against it must recognize its essential contribution in overseeing medications which require valid prescriptions are subject to extensive clinical tests before entering circulation. Since natural supplements do not need an Rx to gain approval by authorities they often pass with flying colors Desi Medicine.

Medication used to treat different health issues can have detrimental impacts on sperm parameters. Anti-inflammatories like infliximab (adalimumab), etanercept and fluoxetine could all have negative ramifications on motility and count of sperm; paroxetine, sertraline and fluoxetine could all also potentially have this result.

Clomiphene Citrate can assist with increasing both sperm counts and quality by stimulating pituitary and hypothalamus glands to produce more follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormonal. Such increased production could improve fertility.

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